Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
What is PCMH?
The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a care delivery model whereby evidence-based patient treatment is coordinated through a primary care physician to ensure they receive the necessary care when and where they need it, in a manner they can understand. Partnering with patients and their families requires understanding and respecting each patient's unique needs, culture, values, and preferences.
What can we do for you?
Help you manage your or your child’s health care
Help answer your health questions
Listen to you and your child’s concerns
Work with other medical experts if necessary
Coordinate your or your child’s care through additional services
Encourage you to play an active part in your or your child’s health care.
What can you expect?
In a medical home, you and your team (i.e. Doctor, PAC, Nurse, Medical Assistant, and Administrative Staff), will work together. As an active member of the team, you will have a chance to explain the things that are really important to you.
Your team can answer questions and help you better understand your or your child’s healthcare needs.
If you need to get help from other doctors, your team can support you every step of the way.
When you have concerns about your or your child’s health, your medical home team will work with you to determine the best way to deal with them.
Together, you and your team can work on a plan that:
Is personalized or created just for you
Is coordinated with other health care providers
Connects you with your healthcare team
Working with your team may improve the quality of your health care and shorten the time it takes to get that care.
What type of services does PCMH provide?
We provide comprehensive, compassionate and continuous care for children from birth up to 21 years of age or until they graduate college.
Same day appointments
Preventive care and physicals (health risk assessments, sports and school physicals)
Chronic disease management (such as diabetes and asthma)
Acute care for illness and injuries
Well child visits, screening and vaccinations
24x7 phone access to your care team
Online electronic access to your medical records
Referrals to vetted specialists and mental health providers
Management of multi-specialty care plans including mental health
Patient Resources
We provide resources to you to help you:
Meet certain developmental stages.
Provide support for self-management of your child’s chronic conditions.
Develop nutrition and physical activity plans.
Educate and support you with behavioral and mental health needs.
To make an appointment with Unionville Pediatrics, please call (860) 673-6124.